Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Wow, I thought last week was hard, but this week is already proven tough. Our office has been dealing with the loss of a co-worker. It's sad because I realize this person was someone I saw everyday even more than I see some of my family. It's definately weird to not see her every morning wearing her cutesy pashmina and oversized purple purse that I secretly admired. To hear her voice from 2 desks over or to get her hilarious political e-mails is something I still expect. I got 2 phone calls yesterday asking for her and had to stop and think before replying, "she is no longer at this agency". I got a lump in my throat watering the flowers that sit at the make shift altar in front of her office door along with a picture of her and her husband who passed away 2 years ago.
What made it even more difficult was attending the mass and seeing the hurt and pain in her children and brother. I could just tell her daughter hadn't slept in days and I felt remorse knowing she is going through so much. She even wore her mother's clothes including the pashmina and purple purse. Seeing her brother sob while "Ave Maria" was beautifully sung is what brought out the tears in me. It's at that moment that I said a prayer for the family and hoped that one day they can all heal.

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