Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Oh, Alex.

Alex is proving to be a serious storm. I just realized that I have no hurricane kit nor am I ready if any hurricane decides to come over our way. The last two Hurricanes, my family and I were very lucky. We stayed home and some extended family members stayed over and ended up camping out for weeks. We never lost power and escaped heavy rain, but fear we may not be so lucky in the future. You never know and I want to be prepared. According to, here are some items that you should have on hand during a hurricane:

Water - don't forget your pets too!
Non-perishable packaged/canned food and juice
Cooking tools, fuel
Blankets, pillows
Toys, books, games
Important documents printed and put into waterproof container/bag
Pet care items-cage, food, medicines
Baby Wipes
Battery operated TV


So, I love my new job, but am frustrated with how I am transitioning. I am super hard on myself when it comes to work. When I get criticism I get very down on myself, but I always have the attitude to try harder the next time. I feel like I am learning everything from scratch and don't want my peers to think of me as a moron. I am confident I will get over this hump, but I don't react well to negative feedback. I think positive feedback gives me a boost of confidence to understand my mistakes. When someone comes to you with a negative approach doesn't it make you feel defensive? Is this normal for anyone to feel this way? I don't know I just don't like making mistakes and want to feel more comfortable, but I also have to realize that it has only been a month.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Take Me Away

In the middle of a busy work week I must sit and decompress by going to a happy place. My happy place consists of balloons. Big, colorful and bright balloons. Here are some images that incorporate the love I feel for them. I think I have love on the brain, because there seems to be a engagement/wedding theme going on.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


This always reminds me of my mom because my brother and I still do this! She recently saw this clip and cracked up.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

And Many More...

Another birthday has come and gone, but this year's was certainly the moment I realized that I am not as young as I used to be. I guess getting older has its advantages such as wisdom and overall knowledge, but damn would I love to be 22 again. Being an adult is overated, seriously. LOL.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cutest Thing Ever

Melissa Shoe company has teamed up with Vivianne Westwood to make these absolutely adorable mini sandals for little girls. If I had a daughter she would be getting all of these in her size.


Speaking of Lady G...check out this recent picture of her buying a hot dog in NYC. This is fabulousity at it's finest. I love it. Wish I could do this all day everyday.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Gaga.

Have you seen Lady Gaga's new video for ALEJANDRO yet? I have to admit that I like it a lot better than TELEPHONE, although it may be because I am not a fan of B, but whatev. Can't wait to see Lady G next month!

Monday, June 7, 2010

And many more...

My birthday is approaching in less than a week, so naturally I have been thinking about my goals and where I saw myself at this age. I thought for sure I'd be up to my neck in kids and living the good housewife life, but obviously that was wishful thinking. Overall, I am proud of what I have accomplished considering many people I grew up with are still trying to start the process of making something of themselves. I may not have much, but I like to think that I have a lot of what most people admire; family, good friends, a great job and most of all my health. This year alone I have experienced a lot and changed some habits of mine by setting goals for myself. I plan on setting more goals for the next year to keep the adventure going and hopefully make myself a better human being. Here's to getting older!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby Steps.

I am on week two of my new job and I am still in the awkward phase. I feel like a baby taking it's first steps; all wobbly and falling all over the place. I am realizing how completely opposite the last agency was that I left compared to this one. I will get the hang of this and maybe one day get it all down to a science. Good thing is I just found out that I get a summer intern to help me out. This will be a learning experience for me just as much for her. Good luck to the both of us.